Although most have heard of the three icons, no-one ever forgets their time in the Macdonnell Ranges. Join our flexible, two-day adventure to learn more about these rugged landscapes with hidden escarpments, waterholes and gullies
Why you’ll love this trip.
Joining point: Default pick up Stay at Alice Springs Hotel (formerley Aurora Alice Springs) at 4.45pm, 11 Leichardt Terrace
The default pick up point is where we will meet you for your tour, and unless you or your travel agent requests an alternative location, we will assume you will be waiting at Stay at Alice Springs Hotel at 5pm. We also pick up from many other hotels in Alice Springs, please ask our Reservations team for options. It is your responsibility to contact us with your preferred pick up point well ahead of departure. We do not take responsibility for missed tours if we have not been advised of an alternative in advance and you are not at the default location on time.
Problems and emergency contact information: ALL general enquiry must be directed to our Reservations team on +61 (0)3 9125 3630. In the case of a GENUINE EMERGENCY, or concerns about a missed pick-up on the day of departure ONLY please contact our Operations Manager in Alice Springs on +61 (0)8 7918 1840
Finishing point: Central Alice Springs accommodation
A sleeping bag is required - bring your own or pre-purcahse at time of booking