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Aoraki Panorama


  • 30 Minute Scenic Flight
  • Experience a high alpine landing
  • Views of Aoraki/ Mt Cook
  • View hanging glaciers
  • See Icebergs on the Tasman Terminal Lake


Day 1 : Aoraki Panorama
Departing Aoraki Mt Cook airport, the journey begins by soaring over carved icebergs of the Tasman Terminal Lake and high over the Liebig range and the Murchison Glacier. Soak up views of this incredible alpine environment. We land at a high alpine location – take a breath of crisp alpine air and enjoy rugged mountain views out over Aoraki/ Mt Cook National Park The perfect scenic flight ‘sampler’ & a great way to get a feel for the grandeur of the Southern Alps landscapes.
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

We fly on demand, our office hours are 8.30am-5.00pm 7 days a week. All flights are weather dependant and depart from our base at the Aoraki/ Mt Cook Airport.


There are no extra costs associated with this flight

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Aoraki Panorama