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Doubtful Sound


  • 70 minute scenic flight 
  • Two remote alpine landings, one atop scenic Mount Kidd
  • Enjoy stunning birds eye views of Doubtful Sound, the ‘Sound of Silence’
  • Soak up the beauty of Campbell’s Kingdom – a fairytale-like hanging valley


Day 1 : Doubtful Sound Scenic
Setting off from our Te Anau base, you will soar high above the Iris Burn Valley and Lake Manapouri, also known as the "Lake of Many Islands". Here you will be able to spot the infamous West Arm Power Station before flying up and over the Wilmot Pass into Doubtful Sound. This long and winding fiord is one of Fiordlands' deepest and is home to a number of stunning waterfalls. If the weather is suitable, your helicopter will detour into the magical Campbells Kingdom, a beautiful hanging valley encompassing a lake and a waterfall which really is the stuff of fairy tales brought to life. From here, you will soar over the Main Divide of the Southern Alps for a second remote landing at the scenic Mount Kidd. Make sure you have your camera or phone well charged for this flight as you'll want to re-visit the scenes and landscapes you visit over and over again!
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

We fly on demand, our office hours are 8am-5.30pm 7 days a week. All flights are weather dependant and depart from our Lakefront Helipad located at 79 Lakefront Drive Te Anau.


No extra costs with the flight unless you would llike to do one of our add ons. These include a picnic at one of the landings or a hike option. 

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Doubtful Sound