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Bula Arrival Pack - Arrive in Fiji in Style with a Bula Pack!


Bula Pack
Arrive in Fiji in style with a BULA PACK! Only Feejee Experience can offer you a personalised airport meet & greet, air conditioned airport transfer, a nights accommodation in Nadi as well as a Feejee Experience sulu. A sulu is a traditional piece of clothing you will need for village or cultural visits in Fiji and is normally valued at FJ$10. Feejee Experience gives this to you as part of your Bula Pack! You can choose which one of the great budget resorts in Nadi you want to stay at or if not, we’ll choose one for you! Once you’ve booked your Bula Pack just drop us an email with your choice at least 72 hours prior to you arriving or let us know at time of booking.

Resorts to choose from are:
-Nadi Bay Resort
-Smugglers Cove
- Bamboo Travellers
- Bamboo Tropic



Day 1 :
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

Make your way to the Feejee Experience counter in the arrivals hall at Nadi International Airport to exchange your voucher and arrange your transfer.



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Bula Arrival Pack - Arrive In Fiji In Style With A Bula Pack!