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Moce Departure Pack - Depart Fiji With Feejee Experience!


Moce (Departure) Pack
Farewell Fiji and your Feejee Experience by purchasing a Moce (pronounced 'mo-they') Departure Pack which includes your final nights accommodation in Nadi and a air-conditioned transfer to Nadi Airport. Must be purhased in conjunction with any Feejee Experience muti-day package.

Resorts to choose from are:
-Nadi Bay Resort
-Smugglers Cove
-Bamboo Travellers
--Bamboo Tropic


Day 1 :
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

You will be collected from your accommodation in Nadi. Your departure time will depend on your flight time. Please advise your guide of where you need to be picked up from.


Moce pack can not be purchased alone as a pass

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Moce Departure Pack - Depart Fiji With Feejee Experience!