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Full Day Tully River White Water Rafting - Tully Rafting


The Tully River hosted the International Rafting Federation’s 2019 World Rafting Championships. This world class river provides a pinnacle rafting experience, with over 45 rapids ripping down through the stunning rainforest gorge surrounds. Classified as a Grade 3/4 river, the Tully provides one hell of a wild ride which ticks all the boxes for those seeking the ultimate Australian rafting adventure.

This rainforest river slices through the gorge, swirling waters surge over and around giant granite boulders. For the in-between moments, there’s time to appreciate the towering trees, climbing palms and thick rainforest which has dominated this landscape for a thousand years. We even get the chance to rock climb and boulder jump beside and into the river.

The Tully River’s tropical location means the water is warm all year round and there’s even the chance to raft under a rainforest waterfall. She’s wild, she’s beautiful, she’s a must-raft destination – the Tully River.



Day 1 : Tully River Rafting
Enjoy an action packed adventure rafting on Australia's best white water rafting river! We'll pick you up from either Cairns (From 10.00am) or Mission Beach accommodation (from 11.45am) and take you on a scenic journey to one of Australia's wettest towns and home of the 2019 World Rafting Champtionships, Tully! 1.00pm - Arrive Tully and rendezvous with self drivers, free time to grab a bite of lunch in Tully (own cost) 1.45pm - 2.30pm Travel to the top of theTully Gorge and get fitted with rafting gear 2.30pm - 3.00pm Meet your River Guide who will give you a safety briefing and paddling instructions before it's time to hit the water! 3.00pm - 6.00pm Raft the world-renowned Tully River conquering awesome grade 3 & 4 rapids! 6.00pm - 7.15pm Arrive at the take out point, change into dry clothes before the short journey to the Feluga Hotel, a traditional Queensland pub and the Tully home of Raging Thunder. 7.15pm - 8.15pm Enjoy a hearty pub dinner with your Guide and crew, view photos of your trip and compare river stories surrounded by a living history of epic rafting on the Tully River! 8.15pm Kick back and relax as we return you to your accommodation in Mission Beach (approx. 9.15pm) or Cairns (10.00pm). Self drivers can depart the Feluga Hotel at their leisure.
Meals :Dinner

Pickups / Departures

Departs Daily: Except Sunday & Wednesdays

Departs Cairns: From 10:00am     |      Missions Beach: From 11:45am    |     Tully: From 12:45pm (Self-drive to the Golden Gumboot - Corner Hort and Butler Streets, Tully ) 

Returns: Tully approx. 7:00pm*    |    Mission Beach: approx. 8:45pm    |    Cairns: approx. 10:00pm

*We will drop self drive guests to their vehicle parked at the Golden Gumboot, they then follow our bus to the Feluga Hotel (10 minutes drive) where we have dinner.


Extra costs : AU$30 per person Rafting levy is payable on the day of travel. 

Hire shoes are available for $5 per pair if people don't want their shoes getting wet.  Thermal tops/dry tops can also be hired for $5 per person. (Winter months)

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Full Day Tully River White Water Rafting - Tully Rafting