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Melbourne Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Flight


  • Fly with Victoria's largest & most professional ballooning company - operating since 1992
  • Approximate one hour sunrise balloon flight over Melbourne city/surrounds
  • Optional sparkling buffet breakfast at Pullman Melbourne on the Park hotel
  • Digital flight certificate 


Day 1 : Melbourne Sunrise Hot Air Ballooning
The entire experience lasts 3-4 hours in total so usually completed between 8-10am depending on the time of year. •Night before your flight at 6pm: Check the flight information (weather update and meeting time) by downloading our mobile app •1.5 hours before sunrise (time confirmed night before): Meet pilots and crew at designated time and venue; Global Ballooning Australia drive all passengers to launch site. We meet at Pullman Melbourne on the Park hotel (meet in the foyer) •Launch: Passengers assist with the set up/ inflation of the balloon •Sunrise: Flight for approximately 1 hour •Land: The pilot will land the balloon; passengers can assist to pack up the balloon •Breakfast: All passengers are driven back to meeting point (Pullman Hotel) which is where breakfast is held (if included in your booking)
Meals :Breakfast

Pickups / Departures

  • Departs an hour before sunrise (approximately 4-4.30am in summer, 5-5.30am in autumn & spring and 6-6.30am in winter)
  • Meeting at Pullman Melbourne on the Park hotel & drop back here after the flight
  • There is discounted parking under the meeting place - Pullman Melbourne on the Park hotel - 192 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne. Take a ticket as you enter and you can pay the concierge after the flight to exit the carpark. 



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Melbourne Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Flight