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Milford Sound


  • 1 hour 45 minute scenic flight 
  • 2 landings - The second landing is beside Lake Quill; located in a hanging alpine valley that feeds the famous Sutherland Falls
  • Trust us – Milford Sound’s grandeur is best appreciated from the air!


Day 1 : Milford Sound
Soaring over the shores of Lake Te Anau to our first landing we fly high above the remote Wick Mountains and the rugged landscapes that surround this range. Look out for Lake Iceberg, which does exactly what its name says – grows icebergs! Soak up the stunning views of Mitre Peak and Piopiotahi/Milford Sound as they unfold below; we circuit the fiord to follow the route of the Milford Track. Soaring over the McKinnon Pass – one of the tougher parts of the Milford – we land at Lake Quill, a hanging lake that is the source of the famous Sutherland Falls. Milford Sound itself is 15kms long, running from the Tasman Sea to Deep Water Basin Harbour. Rich in pounamu, it has an ancient Māori history of intrepid journeys here to gather the precious stone. Returning to Te Anau, the rugged beauty of Fiordland National Park unfolds before your eyes.
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

We fly on demand, our office hours are 8am-5.30pm 7 days a week. All flights are weather dependant and depart from our Lakefront Helipad located at 79 Lakefront Drive Te Anau.


No extra costs with the flight unless you would llike to do one of our add ons. These include a picnic at one of the landings or a hike option.

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Milford Sound