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Fiorland Scenic Flight


  • 40 minute scenic flight 
  • High alpine landing at Mount Kidd
  • Spectacular views out across the most remote areas of Fiordland
  • Soar high above the Kepler Mountains and view the Kepler Track from the air


Day 1 : Mountain Magic
Departing from our helicopter pad on the Te Anau lakefront, journey into the Fiordland wilderness and discover the treasures of our backyard. Soaring high over the Main Divide with its ever-changing scenery of beech forest, maunga (mountains) and bright blue alpine lakes, you’ll love this little-seen part of South-West New Zealand. Breathe the crisp alpine air when we land on Mount Kidd, a remote, picturesque area complete with an inky blue lake. From here, soak up the epic views out over Fiordland’s landscapes. Make sure your phone or camera is charged – this is a scene you’ll want to revisit time and time again!
Meals :None


Pickups / Departures

We fly on demand, our office hours are 8am-5.30pm 7 days a week. All flights are weather dependant and depart from our Lakefront Helipad located at 79 Lakefront Drive Te Anau.


No extra costs with the flight unless you would llike to do one of our add ons. These include a picnic at one of the landings or a hike option. 

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Fiorland Scenic Flight