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PADI 4 Day Learn to Dive Course


  • 2 days of theory and practice at a five star training facility in Cairns
  • 2 full days onboard superyacht Evolution to practice open water dives (accommodation not included)
  • City accommodation transfers each day
  • All applicable PADI training materials
  • Tuition
  • 4 required dives and 1 FREE fun dive
  • Lunch on reef days
  • Reef levy


Day 1 : Dive Theory and Pool Practice
7.30am Arrival at the Down Under Cruise and Dive HQ (287 Draper St, Parramatta Park). Medical checks and paperwork are completed on-site before classroom & training pool sessions are completed.
Meals :Lunch

Day 2 : Dive Theory and Pool Practice
Classroom sessions re-commence with a small exam and finalising skills learned in training.
Meals :Lunch

Day 3 : Evolution Full Day Reef Cruise
Cruise to the outer reef onboard award-winning Evolution. You will travel to 2 fantastic dive sites on the Great Barrier Reef to conduct a series of training skills in the open water environment. 2 dives are completed.
Meals :None

Day 4 : Evolution Full Day Reef Cruise
Travel again onboard Evolution to our dive sites for the completion of your PADI dive course. Once you have completed 2 more dives, your instructor will present you with your PADI Scuba Diving License! You can then have another dive for fun on us.
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

Course commences: Fridays

Day 1 & 2: dive course theory and pool work, 287 Draper Street Paramatta Park, Cairns

Day 3 & 4: Outer Great Barrier Reef onboard Evolution

City accommodation transfers included each day - please speak to the reservations team to confirm location.



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Padi 4 Day Learn To Dive Course