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Return Ferry Trasfers, Fitzroy Island


Travel to paradise on board the Fitzroy Island Sundancer to experience lush rainforests and perfect beaches.

Add on snorkelling equipment and enjoy snorkelling right off the beach.  The island boasts several stunning self guided nature walks, the most popular being the walk to Nudey Beach – which has held the title of Australia’s best beach in recent years!

A local favourite, Foxy’s is the perfect place to stop in and purchase a bite to eat or a refreshing drink.


Day 1 : Full Day on Fitzroy Island
- Visit Australia's Best Beach, Nudey Beach! - Travel on the Fitzroy Island Sundancer, operated by Sunlover Reef Cruises - Enjoy over 6 hours of on-island time
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

07:30 - 8.15am - check in at the Sunlover CRuises counter inside the Reef Fleet Terminal 
8.35am - boarding closes
8.45am - boat departs Cairns
9.45am - boat arrives at Fitzroy Island
3.30pm - gather on Fitzroy Jetty to board
3.50pm - boarding closes
4.00pm - boat departs Fitzroy Island
4.55pm - boat returns to Cairns, disembark


OPTIONAL EXTRAS- (Book and pay directly with Sunlover)
Snorkel Equipment Hire: $30 per person (includes mask, fins, snorkel, lycra suit & life jacket)



Foxy's Bar is open daily for lunch or a drink, take a bush walk to the island's summit or lighthouse.

Check Availability


Return Ferry Trasfers, Fitzroy Island