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RFDS Darwin Tourist Faciliy



• Life size story telling holograms

• V irtual Reality of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour

•  Fly with the Doctor – two Virtual Reality stories

• Life size replica Japanese Zero aircraft

• Window of 1942 comes to life

•  A decommissioned RFDS Pilatus PC 12 aircraft


Day 1 : RFDS Darwin Tourist Facility General Entry
One started Territory operations in 1939, the other, occurred in 1942 as an act of aggression unparalleled on Australian soil. Both forged the resolve and resilience of the people who live in Australia’s Northern Territory. The Royal Flying Doctor Service. The Royal Flying Doctor Service Using the latest innovations in holographic technology, the life size hologram cinema experience, Rev. John Flynn is portrayed by an actor who tells the story of Flynn’s vision and its realisation into the RFDS of today. Experiences a decommissioned RFDS Pilatus PC 12 aircraft completely aero medically equipped and learn about the activities of the RFDS’s pilots, engineers, doctors, and nurses, and the experiences of the patients that are carried and cared for each day. The Bombing of Darwin Harbour The second iconic story featured is the Bombing of Darwin on 19th February 1942. The bombing of the harbour brought destruction to the city of Darwin, and many of the stories have been brought to life through our innovative technology. Our world-class facility features never seen before cutting edge technology - a hologram cinema experience telling the story of Rear Admiral Etheridge Grant, virtual reality and a projection window of the Japanese air attack on the harbour. Highlights • Life size story telling holograms • V irtual Reality of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour • Fly with the Doctor – two Virtual Reality stories • Life size replica Japanese Zero aircraft • Window of 1942 comes to life • A decommissioned RFDS Pilatus PC 12 aircraft Aviation Combo Ticket Explore the Northern Territory’s unique aviation history with the Aviation Combo Ticket. The RFDS Darwin Tourist Facility and the Darwin Aviation Museum have come together to create a combo ticket giving you access to 2 of Australia’s premier aviation attractions. See history come to life through VR technology, learn about the Bombing of Darwin Harbour & see over 19 aircraft on display.
Meals :None


Pickups / Departures


Daily: 9am to 5pm (last entry 4pm) 

Daily: 9am to 4pm (last entry 3pm) 

10am to 3pm (last entry 2pm)

Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday



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Rfds Darwin Tourist Faciliy