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Southern Lakes Explorer


  • 1 hour 20 minute scenic flight 
  • Enjoy 2 unique and remote landings
  • Experience the remarkable scattered shaped boulders of Mt Titiroa and the stunning lake they surround


Day 1 : Southern Lakes Explorer
Departing our Te Anau base we leave the shores of Lake Te Anau and fly over the Waiau River, which along its shores sits the Kepler Track, one of New Zealand’s famous Great Walks. Lake Manapouri will appear as we head for stunning Norwest Lake for a beautiful scenic landing opportunity. Once airborne again we fly over Borland Road leading to Green Lake before the flight path takes you over a geological marvel, Mt Titiroa, which, from a distance, looks capped in snow. We will make a landing here so you can get a close-up view of the magnificent and unique huge white granite formations and small lakes that are visible from the air.
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

We fly on demand, our office hours are 8am-5.30pm 7 days a week. All flights are weather dependant and depart from our Lakefront Helipad located at 79 Lakefront Drive Te Anau.


No extra costs with the flight unless you would llike to do one of our add ons. These include a picnic at one of the landings or a hike option.

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Southern Lakes Explorer