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Sydney Tandem Skydive


Duration: approx half day

Height: 15,000ft

Freefall: up to a 60 seconds of freefall


This is hands down the best value Skydive deal in Sydney.  Experience the rush freefalling at over 200 km/h from up to 15,000 feet, followed by a stunning gentle parachute ride.

Our 15,000 feet Sydney Skydive includes: 

  • 20 minute flight up to 15,000ft 
  • Panoramic views from the Blue Mountains to the Coast. On a clear day you can see Sydney City skyline.
  • Up to 60 seconds of exhilarating freefall.
  • 5 - 7 minute parachute ride back to where you started.
  • Full colour certificate to prove that you actually jumped out of a plane.
  • APF fees included in price, no extra costs.

You are in good hands with the most experienced skydiving company in Sydney and Australia. We have been skydiving in Sydney for over 50 years. All our skydiving instructors are licensed under the Australian Parachute Federation and have performed thousands of skydives each.

We have the only self-contained skydiving centre in Sydney, with our own airport and dropzone in one location. Make a day of it, bring the family and friends to watch all the action. They can hang out on large grass areas, watch you board the plane and land under a parachute just a few meters from the action. No buses or transfers are involved, experience a real skydiving dropzone.

There's plenty of room for picnics and BBQs.  We have snacks, drinks & barista-served coffee available.

We are located just 15 minutes south of Campbelltown. Take the Picton exit, turn right and we're right there.

745 Picton Road, Wilton 2571


Day 1 : Skydive Sydney
We are located just 15 minutes south of Campbelltown. Take the Picton exit, turn right and we're right there. 745 Picton Road, Wilton 2571 There's plenty of room for picnics and BBQs. We have snacks, drinks & barista-served coffee available.
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

We are located just 15 minutes south of Campbelltown. Take the Picton exit, turn right and we're right there.

745 Picton Road, Wilton 2571


Weights fees:
95-99kg $25
100-109kg $50
110-115kg $100 (require assessment by Safety Officer on day)

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Sydney Tandem Skydive