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The Adventure: Tasman Glacier Heli Hike


Length: 3 hours - up to 2 hours on the ice

Tour Style: Guided glacier hike

Group Size: ratio of 1:11

Departs location: Aoraki Mount Cook Airport

Ends location: Aoraki Mount Cook Airport



Trip Description:

Combine the excitement of walking on New Zealand’s biggest glacier with the thrill of breathtaking scenic helicopter fly-bys of New Zealand’s largest mountain, Aoraki/Mt Cook.  You fly in to your drop off point on a remote part of the glacier.

In summer your guide will outfit you with special ice spikes for your feet, called crampons, designed for hard ice glacier conditions. During the winter months when there maybe snow around you may use snow-shoes or a combination of both. Then you’ll go exploring the amazing ice formations, following your guide as s/he cuts steps in the glacier, using skills handed down from NZ’s mountain pioneers. Your trip finishes with another spectacular scenic flight back to our Aoraki/Mt. Cook base. 
Every journey is unique, because the glacier is changing all the time and our experienced guides are always finding something new and interesting to show our visitors. Time on the ice is up to 2 hours, weather permitting.

A minimum of 3 people is required for a trip to depart (if you have less than 3 people in your group, we will do our best to put you on a trip with other people).


Day 1 : The Adventurer
Combine the excitement of walking on New Zealand’s biggest glacier with the thrill of breathtaking scenic helicopter fly-bys of New Zealand’s largest mountain, Aoraki/Mt Cook. You fly in to your drop off point on a remote part of the glacier. Your guide will show you how to put on your crampons (ice spikes) and lead you; together you’ll safely explore the ice features on the glacier. Every journey is unique, because the glacier is changing all the time and our experienced guides are always finding something new and interesting to show our visitors.
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

Departs: All year round - weather dependant




Trips depart from:

Aoraki Mount Cook Airport

Aoraki Mount Cook National Park

State Highway 80


Trip Duration:

3 hours



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The Adventure: Tasman Glacier Heli Hike