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The Wigley: Top Of The Tasman Glacier Hike


Length: 5 hours (up to 3 hours on the ice)

Tour Style: Glacier hike, Snowshoeing 

Departs location: Aoraki/Mt Cook Airport

Ends location: Aoraki/Mt Cook Airport



Day 1 : The Wigley
Explore the immense beauty of the upper snowfield of the Haupapa/Tasman Glacier. As you fly in to 2200m onboard your ski plane. Equipped with snow shoes, walking poles, harness and other equipment, you are ready to explore ice formations in this ever-changing environment; you’re in the heart and birthplace of New Zealand mountaineering. Your flight home tracks down the eastern side of New Zealand’s highest mountain, Aoraki/Mt Cook and the stunning Hochstetter icefall.
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

Departs all year round - weather depending

Departure times:



Departs from

Aoraki Mount Cook Airport

Aoraki Mount Cook National Park

State Highway 80


Trip Duration:

5 hours - up to 3 hours on the ice



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The Wigley: Top Of The Tasman Glacier Hike