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Fiorland 3h Heli-flight


  • 3 hour scenic flight 
  • Includes 3 of Fiordland’s most stunning wilderness locations; Dusky, Doubtful, and Milford Sound
  • Three very scenic landings
  • The ultimate Fiordland heli-flight experience


Day 1 : The Works
Weaving in three of Fiordland’s best wilderness destinations – Dusky Sound, Doubtful Sound, and iconic Milford Sound – this is our premier Heli-flight experience and includes 3 landings. Tamatea/Dusky Sound is one of our most remote and longest fiords. Dotted with 350 small islands, it’s only accessible by air or by boat – there is no road or walking trail – making it a very special place to explore by helicopter. Patea/Doubtful Sound has an incredible serenity, with Patea meaning “the place of silence” in te reo Māori. You’ll fly over Crooked Arm along with several of the fiord’s most impressive waterfalls. Seeing Campbell’s Kingdom from the air is a real highlight – this hanging valley is the stuff of storybooks and movie scenes! Piopiotahi/Milford Sound is iconic and was once referred to as the eighth wonder of the natural world. From the air, it’s easy to see why. Rainforests cling to soaring granite cliffs that leap out of inky water. The Pembroke Glacier, the Sutherland Falls, and Mitre Peak look all the more beautiful from above.
Meals :None


Pickups / Departures

We fly on demand, our office hours are 8am-5.30pm 7 days a week. All flights are weather dependant and depart from our Lakefront Helipad located at 79 Lakefront Drive Te Anau.


No extra costs with the flight unless you would llike to do one of our add ons. These include a picnic at one of the landings or a hike option.

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Fiorland 3h Heli-flight