
Please select your preferred travel date(s) from the calendar below. We will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your booking. If your booking is for travel within 48 hours or is dependent on other travel plans, please call or contact us to confirm availability before proceeding.
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Ultimate Package


  • River Tubing - It’s a hands on adventure and safe water activity, with beautiful scenery and surrounds.
  • Barron River Rafting – 2 hours of rafting in 8 person raft. Up to grade 3 rapids.
  • Waterfall Wanderers - Waterfalls and Rainforest with the option to swim under waterfalls, on a natural slide, and in a volcanic crater lake + many other highlights! Lunch at own cost
  • Cape Tribulation  - Visit oldest living rainforest, Wildlife Cruise, Guided rainforest walk, Explorer Mossman Gorge, partake in an Indigenous talk about their culture and rainforest interpretation, time for a swim + more



Day 1 : River Tubing and Rafting
Spend the morning River Tubing with Aussie Drifterz and the Afternoon Rafting on the Barron River with Foaming Fury ***Days can be booked in any order over any days they do not have to be consecutive***
Meals :Lunch

Day 2 : Active Cape Tribulation day tour
Enjoy a day exploring the Daintree Rainforest with Active Tropics Explorer ***Days can be booked in any order over any days they do not have to be consecutive***
Meals :Lunch

Day 3 : Waterfall Wanderers
Get ready to enjoy the day exploring Waterfalls in the Atherton Tablelands with Waterfall Wanderers ***Days can be booked in any order over any days they do not have to be consecutive***
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

All tours Departs Cairns and Northern Beaches (Cape Tribulation can be picked up fron Port Douglas)

Departs Daily except Christmas Day


$30 river levy and $15 River levy for Rafting and Tubing to be paid directly on the first day of travel.

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Ultimate Package