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Whitsunday Islands Camping Transfers


Dont be restricted by time limits, sharing the views with crowds or waiting in a line. Explore at your own pace, in your time and choose the locations you want to go. 

Campng is a great way to explore and be imersed in nature, getting to really see the natural side in all its beauty. like spending the night on the iconic Whitehaven Beach

scamper operateds daily scheduled departures from Shute Harbour to and from the islands. Spend 1 night or spend the week, set up a base camp in 1 location or visit a few, the choice is yours!


Day 1 : Island Camping Transfers
Return transfers on Scamper to the camping location of your choice, locations can be subject to tides, so please check that you location is available for the day of pick up also, check with our office details
Meals :None

Pickups / Departures

All departures are subject to weather conditions, minimum passenger numbers and unforeseen circumstances.
Departure and pick up times are indicative times only, they can change not often but it can happen.
Passengers are advised that some of the locations are remote and communication is not always possible.
Whitsunday Island Camping Connection is not responsible for any ongoing travel plans.
We recommend that you allow a day before and a day after travel.
Independent travelers are responsible for their own safety.
A "Pest Free" message to campers - to help keep our Islands beautiful/ natural, before boarding the vessel and arriving at the Island , please check your equipment/gear for any grass seeds, prickles, ants, or other pests, that may invade and destroy our native environment.


Camp permits need to be purchased from national Parks for stays on the island

$7.45 per person

Children pricing ages 2-14. Children under 2 free of charge.

Equipment Hire – 

Camp Kits Set up for 2 pax  - $150 1night, $50 each additional night

Camp Kits for 3 pax - $200 1night, $75 each additional night

Kayaks Can be hired through Salty Dog Sea Kayaking and are an additional cost of $20 for a return transfer on SCAMPER no matter which location.


Camp Kit (2 pax)

$150 1st night $50 each night after

  • 3-man Spinifex Dome Tent with fly sheet, poles, hangers, stakes
  • Sleeping pad (self-inflate) x 2
  • Sleeping bag x 2
  • Camp Stove (1 canister per night incl)
  • Cooking Pot and Frypan
  • Cutlery Set 

Including - 

  • Cutting board
  • Sharp Knife
  • Can opener
  • Coffee Cup x 2
  • Plates and Bowls x 2
  • Spatula and Spoon
  • Tongs
  • Eco – friendly dishwash liquid
  • Scourer and wash cloth
  • Wash up tub
  • Dry Food Box
  • Folding chairs x 2 
  • Cooler 55l
  • Torch or lantern
  • Lighter (if needed for Stove)
  • Snorkel Mask and Fin Set
  • Stinger Suit

5l water is provided per person per night (these are given is large water containers)

Camp Kit for 3 pax 

Incudes 4-man tent and all items x3

$200 1st night $75 each night after

Individual Items of Hire

            1st night       additional

☒    3-man Dome Tent     $35        $10

☐    4-man Dome tent    $40        $15

☐    6-man Dome tent    $50        $30

☐    Camp Stove        $15        $10

☐     Cooler 55l        $15        $5

☐     Cooler 25l        $10        $5

☐    Inflate Sleep Pad    $10        $5

☐    Sleeping Bag    $10        $5

☐     Pot and frypan    $5        $3

☐     Cutlery Set        $10        $5

☐     Torch        $5        $2

☐    Camp Chair        $10        $5

☐    Snorkel Mask Set    $6        $3

☐ Swim Fins         $4        $2

☐ Stinger Suit        $5        $3


Bags of Ice can be Purchased $6 per 5kg Bag (please pre order)


Food packages or food Delivery Can Be Organized with Whitsunday Provisioning $$


Food or water drops can be organized for some locations starting at $50


*All gear is cleaned and Sanitized after each hire, we do ask that you clean all items before returning, any breakages, lost or uncleaned items will incur a fee

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Whitsunday Islands Camping Transfers